As a member of the S.T.E.M (Students of Technology & Engineer Majors) Program at Coppin State University, I was chosen to attend leadership conferences in multiple venues across the United States.  Here we flew from Baltimore, MD to my home state Atlanta, GA to attend the Women Of Technology Conference at the Westin Hotel. This event had representatives from top corporations such as IBM, Alltel, The Boeing Company just to name a few. 


Over the past decade I have increased my technical skill level.  

These skills include:

Programming in Java, C# and C++ Language


Troubleshoot Hardware/Software

Successful technical support to vendors within and outside the US.

Game Design/Developer

Technical writing and Design

Communication within a team environment

Database Administration

Effective communication with internal staff

The will to handle multiple tasks simultaneously

Strong Java and C++ coding

Perform coding, unit testing and software documentation

Project Management integrity

Advanced computer trouble-shooting operations and skills

Strong knowledge in Object Oriented development methodology

Strong analytical and problem solving skills

Design / implementation of software

Web design {HTML/CSS/PHP/Javascript/jQuery/AJAX}

MySQL Database administration {phpMyAdmin, Sequelpro}

Software/hardware Technical Support


Hard Drive encryption and backup procedures

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