When developing and designing, you want to ensure you are creating a game that people will not just play but understand and enjoy the overall feature and aspect of the creation.  This game had to be fun, interactive, different than other football games with an ability to provide extended knowledge amongst Historically Black Colleges.  While working on the dancing divas first we had to ensure we were making a game simulated as real life as possible.

Uniforms had to be colored the same as the team, preferably the primary color

We had to incorporate heels for the ladies

Each Band has a title referring to the name of their respective Dance Team

Animation received detailed design documents on:

Dancers field movements

Flips and tumbling animations

Positioning, incorporated by Pyware software

Multiple dance moves

As you can see this is one of the many bands featured in BCFX which during its halftime show, enters from the south end zone.  When creating the entry of the bands, algorithms were a big factor along with the Pyware software.  We had to chop the football field into four Quadrants, measure the field in relevance to feet opposed to yards after finding its equivalent, then applied it into an equation which then was incorporated within Pyware which was measuring distance in feet. 


As a developer again you want to try and simulate real life to the best of your abilities.  In image one we have a Quarterback dropping back to pass.  Under these circumstances you have to understand Quarterback movements.  The Quarterback starts under center and after hiking the ball, depending on the play can have a drop back step of 3, 5 or 7.  As you can see, ball in right hand while dropping back ensures this is simulated as real life.  Image 2 shows the quarterbacks posture as he throws.  Right handed QB must lead with left foot, left elbow tucked, and right foot toes on the ground to ensure the proper posture when throwing the football.

Image 1

Image 2

Here Alabama A&M Marching Band is performing a halftime presentation displaying their respective school logo.  This again was incorporated by algorithms. Feet to yards conversions were used due to Pyware Measuring in feet and of course the football field measures in yards so again we chopped the field into 4 quadrants, all with X and Y positioning with respect to the origin (50 yard line).  Measured the field in feet opposed to yards in each quadrant to get an (X, Y) factor equivalent to the (X, Y) factor in Pyware which would allow the band members to move in Pyware the same as they would when performing on the field during game play. REAL FUN!



This is to display a tackling animation.  Again simulation is defined as real life as possible, creating a project similar to real life situations.  In this instance a tackle is denoted a good tackle when the head is across the body, wrapping up to complete the successful tackle.  Here you can see the FAMU player is beginning his tackle animation which will be a good tackle because of his position on the field as the animation is taking place.  Head is preparing to be leveling down and both arms are to be wrapped around the player during contact.


We had to design and develop everything shown in this game, everything was technically dissected, rule books were read, you have to have a great understanding of what you are trying to feed your audience.  Again we wanted this game to be as real as possible so we had to incorporate EVERY piece of football 101 we could bring out of ourselves as well as research.  As designers, we had to created design document templates for different types of position players.  Quarterbacks, Wide Receivers, Running Backs, Offensive/Defensive Lineman, Linebackers, Defensive Backs, and Kickers all have different animations.  For instance this is a receiver receiving the ball from the Quarterback.  With this still shot in place I can relay to you this pass was coming cross field as the receiver is heading towards the home sideline.  I made a powerpoint presentation to present to our animators on the different postures of catching the football.  In this instance the receiver is running from the Quarterbacks left to right.  As this ball is thrown there are 6 animations that could revealed themselves after any throw.  This depends on the Quarterbacks accuracy and the wide receiver awareness.  With the Wide Receiver flowing from the left side of the field to the right, 

1. He has the ability to jump in catch in that direction

2. Catch on the run at waist height

3  Catch on the run at face mask

4  Catch on the run, diving in the same direction at knee height

AND if the ball is thrown behind the receiver the receiver can make 2 animations reveal

5. Catch the same as displayed but to the other side

6. Catch diving back to the other side at knee level to receive the pass. 

This is a view from the game play aspect of the game and as you can see the background is simulated to the environment of the school.  Each school has its on field representation rather their location is the city, country, or suburbs we made sure as designers and developers we were going to make this game designed to be as real as it gets with the positive natured HBCU atmosphere. We wanted to make the gamer feel all technicality aspects placed into this game and receive the ooo's and ahhh's to something they've never witnessed before playing a football game.  That is the satisfaction received when people are testing your game and are as excited about the release as you are. 



This is the coin toss design which is totally separate from the game play design. After the coin toss animation is reeled, game play is then the function. After game play functions, halftime functions and after halftime back to game play where the stored scores and stats are there for the remainder of the game. 

Here is just one of many celebrations incorporated into the game. TOUCHDOWN! 


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