As a graduate of Coppin State University, Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and a captain of the Coppin State University Baseball team during the 2005 - 2006 season, I am confident when it comes to adapting, learning, acknowledging my weaknesses and turning them into strengths, accept constructive criticism, and knows the value of teamwork.  Born a hard worker, organization and communication are personal strengths.  Past accomplishments include school, work and athletic awards, volunteering for Hands on Atlanta and a role as Video Game Designer in the creation of the first HBCU football video game in stores now on xbox 360.

 During my final year upon graduation my senior project included a task to create a database which contains employees information.  This database could only be accessed by a dynamic user name and a dynamic password, I wanted to simulate real life situations so I encrypted access for security and confidential purposes.  This database also included GUI interaction, calculations, and modifications just to name a few of the functions.  The software was programmed in Java and retrieved from MySQL server.  Attributes such as the Employee ID number, First Name/Last Name, DOB, Address, Hire Date just to give you a few.  All skills learned prior to this project were all induced such as technical writing and flow charts.  Here is an example:

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